EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool is the industry standard for measuring and tracking energy performance within commercial buildings, in use by more than 275,000 buildings, which comprise one-quarter of all U.S. commercial building floorspace.
A team of ASHRAE volunteers led a highly successful building campaign to garner support for the renovation project. Thirty-one corporate donors committed more than $9.7 million in monetary support and gifts of equipment and services.
The Bell & Gossett Series e-HSC double suction centrifugal pump is designed for HVAC systems in commercial applications. The pump offers maximum performance and energy efficiency with a compact design built for easy installation and maintenance, the company says.
Using an internal combustion natural gas engine, Lochinvar and EC Power’s Micro CHP (< 50 kW/hr) XRGI25 is designed to be an efficient, easy-to-install system intended for light commercial use, Lochinvar explains.
Whether it’s avoiding major repairs, detecting a leak or scheduling maintenance, Zurn’s connected products allows professionals to make decisions, not assumptions, it notes.