This year’s theme for May’s ICC Building Safety Month is Building Codes: Driving Growth through Innovation, Resilience and Safety.
During the month, ICC’s 57,000-plus members, along with other professionals in the design and construction community, will conduct school assemblies, host information booths at supply houses and implement proclamation signing ceremonies to increase awareness.
Building Codes: Driving Growth through Innovation will be supported by weekly themes that spotlight a specific area of building safety and fire protection.
- May 2-8 – Building Solutions for All Ages;
- May 9-15 – The Science Behind the Codes;
- May 16-22 – Learn from the Past, Build for Tomorrow; and
- May 23-29 – Building Codes: A Smart Investment.
“For the last 36 years, Building Safety Month has celebrated advances in constructing safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures,” ICC Board of Directors President Alex Olszowy III said. “Building to modern codes and standards provides important safety and economic benefits to communities, their businesses, schools, churches and homes and the people who occupy them.”
Video from Charlotte Pipe reveals
DWV plumbing systems sound tests
A new video on Charlotte Pipe’s YouTube channel shows a sound test of various DWV plumbing systems. Materials tested are cast-iron soil pipe, solid-wall PVC and foam-core PVC with and without insulation products. Users can watch the entire video or jump to the material they are most interested in viewing.
Charlotte Pipe performed this experiment after receiving questions about the sound of PVC systems and the best way to minimize the noise.