american body

 Complying with accessibility standards for both children and adults, the newly improved Murro lavatory sink from American Standard is a universal design product with barrier-free operation, plus the exclusive EverClean antimicrobial surface for easier maintenance. The sink complies with the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act and 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards. Offering attractive lines and smart design, this modern, universal design wall-mount sink provides an appealing new accessible option for institutional specifiers and architects. The vitreous china sink also features the permanent EverClean antimicrobial surface, which inhibits the growth of stain- and odor-causing bacteria, mold and mildew on the surface. Fixtures that include EverClean are ideal for institutional, health-care and educational applications, helping units stay cleaner longer, even after years of use. The sink features a generous 15 1/2” by 13 1/2” rectangular bowl that is 5” deep.