"We’ve chosen to be different and make a difference." -Bob Miodonski, publisher

Bob Miodonski

We’ve chosen to be different and make a difference. Starting with this issue ofpme, we’ve made changes that I’m excited to tell you about.

First, we’ve changed the way we deliverpmeto you. Each month, you will receive either a print or digital edition ofpmedelivered to your mailbox or electronic inbox.            

Our dual-platform delivery allows us to build on our experience over the last year of producing digital-only editions in alternate months. If you now receive a print edition ofpme, I urge you to visit our redesignedwww.PMEngineer.comand check out our digital editions posted there. You even can subscribe to receive your own copies ofpme’sdigital edition.            

Besides presenting an obvious green component in the paper it saves,pme’sdigital edition offers a number of other benefits to you. It gives you immediate access to any of the industry news, feature stories, new products and opinion columns we’ve posted onwww.PMEngineer.com. The ads contain live links to connect you with the Web sites of the manufacturers whose products you specify. You even can download the digital edition to your computer.            

Whether you received our print or digital edition this month, you’ve noticed our new look by now. We’ve made the pages ofpmebigger to get your attention. We want to stand out and look different from the other engineering magazines you may receive. The bigger pages also allow us to present larger photos of products and their jobsite applications as well as drawings that are easier to read. We’ve given the pages ofpmea brighter, more up-to-date look that we hope you enjoy reading.            

If you receive our print edition, look more closely at the pages and you’ll see they’re made from recycled paper. We’re practicing what we preach when we encourage you to pursue green initiatives. If you’re receiving our digital edition, then all the better for our own green efforts.            

You’ll findpme’sbiggest change, however, in our editorial content. We will continue to feature industry-leading columnists such as Julius Ballanco and John Siegenthaler. But you’ll also discover an emphasis on products and systems through an expanded products section and real-world case studies. The products and case studies we present to you will carry a strong green orientation. They will emphasize the sustainable plumbing, piping, hydronic/radiant and fire protection products you will need to learn about so that you can specify them in the projects you design.            

Last month, I was a moderator of the International Emerging Technology Symposium co-sponsored by IAPMO and the World Plumbing Council in Ontario, Calif. (www.youtube.com/user/IAPMOGroup). The experience made one point clear to me: Everyone embraces the concepts of green building. What engineers and other construction professionals need now are hard facts on green products and real-world examples of how these technologies perform in the field.            

The new content inpmewill allow you to cross the bridge from the conceptual to the real by giving you the information you need for the green plumbing and mechanical systems you design. One Symposium speaker said sustainable construction will become so mainstream that no one will call it green building in the future.            

We want to help you get there with the material we present inpme, onwww.PMEngineer.comand inpme’sEnewsletter. We want to help you make a difference.          
