Welcome topme’s first digital-only edition!
Welcome topme’s first digital-only edition. We’re taking the
opportunity of our annual green construction design issue to change the delivery
a magazine focused equally in print and electronically.
In keeping with the nature of this transition, we made this announcement last
month by way of a video that we shot and posted on the home page ofpme’s Web site. If you’ve already viewed our video, you know that in it I
talk about how we’re changing the delivery ofpme and why we’re doing it. If you haven’t
seen it, I invite you to click onwww.pmengineer.comor the photo at right and view it.
Tthat’s one of the beauties of this digital edition. Not only is it a greener
form of delivery, but it also gives you immediate access to any of the content
we’ve posted onwww.pmeengineer.com. This includes a wealth of
feature stories, news articles, columns and product information in our Archives
In addition, our digital edition gives you instant access to the Web sites of
all our advertisers in any given issue. All ads in our digital editions will
contain live links by which you immediately can obtain product specifications
and descriptions.
And to top it off, you can even download the digital edition to your computer.
In my column inpme’s May issue (click here to read), I encouraged you to continue to innovate
during the current economic downturn. We’ve decided to take our own advice by
investing in technology that deliverspme’s must-read content to you more quickly, conveniently and efficiently.
It also provides a new platform for you to connect with the manufacturers whose
products you specify in the systems you design.
We fully recognize that some of our readers will prefer to receive the print
edition. We will producepme’s print editions in August, October and December this year. We will
send the print editions in those months topme subscribers who have not given
us the electronic delivery option.
You’re reading this digital edition now because either we delivered a link
directly to your e-mail inbox or you found it onwww.pmengineer.com. We still will post our
digital editions on our Web site, as we have since October 2008, but we would
like you to take advantage of the convenience of having them delivered monthly
to your PC, laptop or other portable device.
If you haven’t done so already, please visitwww.pmengineer.com, click on the 'Subscribe Now' button and fill
out the online subscription form to receive your digital editions. During the
same visit, you can sign up to receive pme e-News, our semimonthly
And, I’m not forgetting about another beauty of digital delivery: instant
feedback. Let me know what you think by e-mailing me atmiodonskib@bnpmedia.com.
We look forward to making this exciting transition forpmewith you.