The U.S.
Green Building Council and the International Code Council (ICC) have signed a
memorandum of understanding that forges a stronger relationship between the two
organizations in order to further green building practices.
The U.S.
Green Building Council (USGBC) and the International Code Council (ICC) have signed a
memorandum of understanding that forges a stronger relationship between the two
organizations in order to further green building practices.
The initial activities pursuant to the memorandum of understanding will focus
on education for code officials. Both organizations will develop a green
building education manual on the subject of building codes and sustainability.
The memorandum of understanding recognizes the leadership roles of both of the
organizations, while laying out areas of mutual interest, such as advocacy and
education initiatives, in which USGBC and the ICC can work cooperatively to
advance their missions. The memorandum of understanding also addresses
exploring and implementing joint business opportunities.
The ICC plays a key role in the area of safety for the built environment to
create better buildings and safer communities. The USGBC is transforming the
built environment to high-performance green building practices. The USGBC and
ICC will work together to advance buildings that are environmentally
responsible, profitable and healthy places to live and work, according to ICC.