CyberMatrix Timesheets Version 3 Released
CyberMatrix Corp. has released version 3 of CyberMatrix Timesheets, an easy-to-use Windows-based timesheet entry application. Version 3 of Timesheets contains several important improvements. The most significant change in version 3 is the addition of Microsoft Project export features. Now project data can be conveniently exported to Microsoft Project without the need for re-keying. In addition, timesheet data can now be entered for a full month at a time instead of just one week at a time. The timesheet entry form now has totals to show total time entered for the day and the whole week or month. Timesheets Web administrators can now change configuration options and manage data right from the browser. Finally, a new enterprise version of Timesheets Web that can connect to virtually any database server is also now available. For more information, contact CyberMatrix Corporation, Inc. at (403) 258-0585, Toll free: 1-888-664-0383, or visit link below.