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Spring is approaching, and the days are getting longer with the promise of warmer weather. May the hyacinths, primrose, iris, daffodils and tulip blooms bring you joy as spring reminds us of new growth in the months to come.

Have you heard the terms "circular economy," "packaging producer responsibility," "extended producer waste responsibility," or "EPR?" These buzzwords describe the regulations written to reduce packaging waste while increasing recycling and compostability. Some of the regulations are focused on single-use plastic food service containers. However, most rules also include single-use packaging for mechanical and plumbing products. In this article, I will review the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery's (CalRecycle) draft regulation for implementing the 2022 AB 54, Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act to understand what these regulations cover. Let's jump right in!


PME March 2024 Misty Guard Column Chart 01: Who is regulated?

What is a covered material?

Covered material associated with plumbing and mechanical products is single-use packaging routinely recycled, disposed of or discarded after its contents are used or unpackaged. Typically, the producer, retailer or wholesaler does not refill or reuse the packaging.


March 2024 Misty Guard Column Chart 02: Type of Packaging Covered

What more can you do?

The draft California Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulation has extensive technical information, including exemptions. Therefore, I recommend reviewing it carefully to understand how it applies to the packaging of your products. All EPR regulations have reporting, recordkeeping, and enforcement provisions, so be sure to review the requirements.

Call us at Regulosity for an organization-specific analysis of these new requirements. We can help!