Age: 28
Company: Niagara Conservation
Title: Channel marketing manager

How long have you been in the PHCP-PVF industry?
Almost four years now. In that time, I’ve learned so much about the complexities of the industry, specifically plumbing, that I can’t imagine ever going anywhere else. So many of the leaders in this industry have been dedicated to PHCP-PVF for a long time and I think that’s what makes them so successful. It’s so important to be an expert on the products, processes and history to truly guide the future of this industry.

What drew you into the industry?
I was initially drawn in by the mission of Niagara. We exclusively manufacture water-efficient plumbing products and when I was interviewing, I learned so much about how complex issues — such as water scarcity — can be partially addressed by implementing efficient solutions at home, starting with the toilet! It feels good to know that our work is contributing to overall bettering society.

What is the most rewarding aspect of working in the industry?
One of the most rewarding parts for me is seeing the growth, perseverance and success of the industry. Our current economy is rapidly changing with a higher emphasis on technological innovation and it’s not always easy to keep up. It’s inspiring and rewarding to work with independently- or family-owned businesses and to see how they constantly evolve to keep market share, continue educating themselves, and support their customers. There’s a certain passion and personal element that can be found in the PHCP-PVF industry that really draws you in.

What is one thing you wish more people knew/understood about the PHCP-PVF industry?
That truly this industry plays such a pivotal part in any functional society. I think the last few years have shown me that more than anything. Any time I tell someone I work for a plumbing company, the first thing they say is, “Well everyone needs a toilet,” and it’s true. Plumbers, contractors and distributors have had to offer solutions to keep our infrastructure progressing and maintained in incredibly uncertain times, and I don’t think they get enough recognition for that. We’d be in a very dark place without modern plumbing and A/C — we know that better than anyone down here in Texas.

What has been the proudest moment in your career so far?
I take a lot of pride in our Continuing Education Program. Niagara places so much emphasis on education and in my time here I’ve helped grow our CEU program substantially. Continuing education for the AEC community, as well as for Plumbers and Contractors, will be important for a long time to come, especially as new talent enters the industry. We have developed some truly great content on the benefits of sustainable plumbing practices that I think are so applicable to the future of the industry.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
It’s on my bucket list to publish a book one day. I love reading and think it would be so neat to potentially inspire someone the way I’ve been inspired.

Why she was chosen as a Next Gen All Star Top 20 Under 40 winner:
“Shadel has played an instrumental role in successfully developing and launching Niagara’s wholesale channel, an entirely new business unit for Niagara, as well as contributing to the development of four new product lines. Now, with over 70 distributors directly partnered with Niagara, Shadel continues to grow relationships with the wholesale community while working to provide relevant industry education for plumbing professionals.

“Shadel is well respected within the industry and among her peers. To promote and educate wholesalers about Niagara’s new product suites and wholesale program, Shadel played a key role in the launch of a dedicated Niagara Pro website that provides detailed information for wholesale partners and plumbing professionals.

“Shadel is a vital asset to the entire Niagara team and is bettering the plumbing industry through thoughtful innovation and water conservation. She is a young professional that is shifting the old standards and making water efficient products available to a larger demographic, enhancing the future of the plumbing industry and helping to save the world’s water supply,” says Jordan Callahan, Willow Street Agency.