Wagner Solar received its SRCC OG-100 rating for two new solar-thermal collectors. The EURO L20 AR and the EURO L20 MQ AR soon will be Wagner’s workhorses into the 2013 construction season and beyond. The EURO L20 AR is the direct replacement for Wagner’s current EURO C20 AR-M high-performance model. Using an aluminum absorber sheet, Wagner Solar removes the ultrasonic zipper lines on the absorber by using laser-welding technology. The result is equal performance with a clean PV module-like appearance. By switching to more aluminum-based products, Wagner increases its price-to-performance ratio, while still using the same vacuum-applied, highly selective absorber coating to maximize solar heat yield and minimize radiation losses. The EURO L20 MQ AR is Wagner’s first four-port, serpentine flow pattern flat-plate collector for the U.S. market. This collector installs only in landscapes, eliminating the need to pipe in reverse return and significantly decreases collector pressure drop to allow piping for up to 10 collectors in a row.