Covering our industry’s
codes and standards, with an edge.
I still remember the day I
met George Zebrowski and Tim Fausch of BNP Media to discuss starting a new
magazine for plumbing and mechanical engineers. They referred to it as serving
the “wet” side of engineering.
It was intriguing to be asked to help start this new adventure. Being
inquisitive, I asked what they had in mind. They said codes, for one. CODES?
Yeah, codes. George and Tim said that their surveys agreed with me that
engineers love to read about codes and code changes.
My next comment was that writing and reading about codes is boring. They
responded, “Not if you write about codes with an edge.”
With an edge? I admitted to being just a normal, boring engineer who likes the
codes and standards profession. They laughed, saying they had heard me speak.
They said I don’t hesitate to talk about the ins and outs of what is behind the
code. George said that I have a reputation for calling it the way I see it.
I said that talking to an audience is one thing, but to write to tens of
thousands of engineers is an entirely different situation. They both responded
that no, it is not. Write the way you speak. Tell the readers what is really
happening at the codes and standards meetings. Call it the way you see
Hmmm, this could get very interesting. My first comment was that we may offend
a few people. The response was, “That’s OK, just remember who your audience is,
your fellow engineers.”
With that, we launched this new adventure,PM Engineermagazine, in 1995. Here we are, 15 years
later, still producing a top quality magazine for plumbing and mechanical
I will admit that I had to learn a new style of writing. But writing with an
edge became fun. It has also gotten me (and other columnists) in trouble. There
is always a segment of the industry that doesn’t want us to write with an edge.
Yes, I have received calls from editors and publishers. Yes, I have had meetings
where my columns were discussed. Yes, my columns have been reviewed by the
publisher before they are printed, and, yes, I have changed some of my
Some have accused me of not reporting the facts in a straightforward manner. I
respond that I am not a reporter, I am a columnist. My columns are editorial
opinion. I have editorial license, and I use it. As Editorial Director, I have
received the same comments about other columnists. I give the same response;
they are editorials.
When we started,PM Engineerwas the only magazine writing about codes and standards with an edge. Now,
other magazines have followed. That’s good. It simply means that George and Tim
were correct more than 15 years ago. Engineers want to read the story behind
the codes. They don’t want reporting, that’s boring. They want the inside
scoop. Quite frankly,PM
Engineerdoes it best. So keep reading.
I have now written 206 columns and articles forPM Engineer. My toughest column to write was “I Loved Ya,
Pat.” It was a tribute to my good friend Pat Higgins, who died suddenly at the
age of 50. It is hard to believe that Pat has been gone for more than eight
That column came three months after my previous most difficult column to write.
The column was entitled, “Structural Collapse of WTC.” I wrote that column on
September 12, 2001. It still brings me to tears.
As I look back, I ask, “Has PM Engineer
made a difference?”
I think it has. We have seen changes in our industry. Those changes were first
brought to light by this magazine. We took positions that were not always
popular.PM Engineerwas one of the first magazines to encourage the code bodies to accept non-water
supplied urinals. All the codes now accept them.
We have provided a forum for new technology and new ideas. Many of the new
technologies have been accepted in the codes. Some are considered mainstream.
We encouraged the acceptance of air admittance valves. Millions have now been
installed across the country. In many parts of the country, air admittance
valves are considered commonplace, normal plumbing. Yet, one plumbing code
still does not mention air admittance valves.
We encouraged the universal acceptance of the Philadelphia single stack. If it
is good for Philly, it must be good for the country. Within the next few
months, every code may have the Philadelphia single stack as an acceptable
venting method.
Perhaps the single greatest change in the last 50 years of codes has been the
mandate of residential sprinklers for all one- and two-family dwellings and
townhouses.PM Engineerwas the first plumbing engineering magazine to support the cause. We
published many articles on the subject. We even asked for articles opposed to
the mandate. No one has taken us up on the offer.
In this next year, we will continue to write about home builders working with
politicians to prohibit the adoption of the residential sprinkler mandate. Whoever
thought 15 years ago that we would see state politics, lobbyists and campaign
contributions work their way into the code business. It is a sorry state of
affairs in state politics. It’s time we vote these politicians out of office.
(Oops, there I go, writing with an edge again.)
I would like to say that when we startedPM Engineer, my hair was black. The truth of the matter
is that my hair started turning white when I was 16. Now, many of you recognize
me because of my white hair. As I travel the country, many of you stop me and
say, “I read your column every month.” Then you follow up with, “I don’t always
agree with you.”
My response is always the same, “If you always agreed with me, this would be a
boring world to live in. We all need to express our opinions. That’s what makes
this country great.”
After meeting and speaking with readers in my travels, I often hear: “You’re a
nice guy. I thought you were such a jerk (I cleaned it up) by the way you
Well, thank you. I try to be a nice guy. I just write with an edge. The purpose
is to get you to think, and sometimes get you to act. We seemed to have
accomplished our goal. Here’s looking forward to the next 15
Keep reading! We promise to continue to publish a top quality magazine, with an