The rising price of fossil fuels is driving interest in geothermal heat pump technology. There are several ways to integrate the efficiency of geothermal heat pump energy collection, with the unsurpassed benefits of hydronic distribution systems.

The upcoming Webinar, “Integrating Geothermal Heat Pumps Into Hydronic Heating/Cooling Systems,” will explore this combination in detail. You'll learn how to design systems that provide both hydronic heating and chilled water cooling. Design appropriate for both residential and larger commercial applications will be discussed. You'll see how the latest hydronics technology can be used to enhance performance of such systems.

If you're ready to explore the complementary and profitable interface between hydronic technology and geothermal heat pumps this Webinar is for you.

    - To learn the essentials of operating a water-to-water heat pump for high efficiency
    - How to design combined heating and cooling using a single heat pump
    - How to stage multiple heat pumps in commercial applications
    - How state-of-the-art hydronics technology further enhances the efficiency of geothermal heat pumps
    - To learn options for earth loop heat exchangers
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When: Thursday, Oct. 1, 2009, at 10am PT | 1pm ET
Cost: $79 for live Web event and 12-month archive access
Duration: 90 minutes, includes Q&A
Continuing Education: 1.5 credit Certificate of Completion
Register at the following link: