"This standard is a major leap forward in the acceptance and growth of HDPE pipe," said F17.62 member John Kurdziel, Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. Kurdziel noted that HDPE pipe has long been used for agricultural and highway drainage applications. As technical advances have allowed for dramatic increases in the diameter of HDPE pipe, its usage in higher profile projects, such as highway culverts, has expanded.
"Acceptance of HDPE pipe grew significantly over the years, due to the product's economic, handling, hydraulic and durability advantages," said Kurdziel. As HDPE pipe became more widely used in highway applications, it also became more commonly used in the building of storm sewers. However, as HDPE pipe manufacturers began to contemplate the use of the pipe in municipal storm sewer applications, the need for an ASTM HDPE standard became apparent.
According to Kurdziel, "Municipal engineers specify to a large degree with principally ASTM standards. The development of F 2306 now provides municipal engineers with a tool and a means for specifying HDPE pipe. This standard will significantly increase the number of applications for HDPE pipe and will provide an economic benefit to both cities and manufacturers."