Rinnai Continuum and the National Housing Corp. of Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity (ZTA) announced a tankless water heater donation to the sorority's University of Georgia chapter house in Athens.

Rinnai's tankless water heater.
Rinnai Continuum and the National Housing Corp. of Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity (ZTA) announced a donation to the sorority's University of Georgia chapter house in Athens, making it one of the "smartest"

The tankless unit being installed.
A commercial kitchen is a centerpiece for this facility. Once a week, the sorority house hosts its entire 160-member family for meals and meetings; special events with meals and kitchen requirements are held on average once every two weeks. In total, during a typical week, over 420 showers are taken, over 1,000 meals are prepared and served, over 3,000 utensils are washed and sterilized, all commercial kitchen appliances are sterilized and approximately 100 loads of laundry are done. With the addition of the Rinnai Continuum tankless water heater, not one outlet will run out of hot water or even lose temperature control within two degrees"

A recessed installation of the Rinnai tankless unit.
Moreover, ZTA and Rinnai Continuum have created much more than just a way to provide endless hot water to this multi-family development. The two are fostering a new multi-family housing trend that has been steadily growing. Rinnai Continuum is extremely energy efficient; for example, in a single-family residence, the unit can save up to 70% on monthly utility bills because it leverages an internal heat exchanger to heat water as it runs through the plumbing. What is missing is the standing pilot light a traditional boiler or hot water tank would utilize. So the savings are significant.

"We are very excited to partner with Rinnai Continuum and to accept their donation to our UGA chapter house,"