Paul R. Bertram, Jr. FCSI, CDT, LEED AP, of Orlando, FL, has been elected to the national office of vice president-industry for the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI). His duties will include serving as the Executive Committee liaison for CSI's Environmental Task Team. The two-year term begins in July and ends in June 2007.
"My goal in the position of vice president is to integrate CSI principles and guidelines, including Master Format 2004, with the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED rating system and other sustainable building initiatives," Bertram said.
Bertram is president and CEO of PRBDesign, and was a member of the design and development team in 1978 at Walt Disney World.
In addition to his CSI commitments, Bertram has been selected as the keynote speaker for the Architectural Products magazine education series being presented at the Merchandise Marts in Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City and at NeoCon East in Baltimore.