On Oct. 29, the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) announced it will allow LEED users to continue registering projects under the LEED 2009 rating system until Oct. 31, 2016.

Extending the date, originally set for June 15, 2015, will allow LEED users and members of the green building industry more time to get set for LEED v4, a more rigorous version of LEED with many updates.

In a survey conducted during Greenbuild 2014 in New Orleans, 61% of respondents said they are “not ready” or “unsure” if they are ready to pursue LEED v4 and need more time to get ready for its implementation.

“When USGBC launched LEED v4 last year, we set out with one goal in mind – to raise the bar in a way that challenges the building industry to reach higher than ever before. This is our nature and USGBC and its members’ collective mission,” said Rick Fedrizzi, CEO & founding chair, USGBC. “However, the market has requested additional time to prepare for LEED v4, so we are responding.”

International LEED users also indicated they would like more time prepare. LEED v4 has been in the market for nearly one year and will be available to the industry members that are set for it.

“LEED v4 wasn’t designed to be easy. It is the next generation of green building, and we are confident the market will meet us there as they have in years past,” added Fedrizzi.