A design competition for middle and high school students who want to become engineers has been announced. Technology Student Association members will participate in the Jaguar F1 Team In Schools' demonstration competitive event at TSA's 25th national conference in Orlando, from June 25-29.

The Jaguar F1 Team In Schools event, hosted by Denford (US), Jaguar (US), Pitsco, and TSA, is designed to raise the image of engineering as a desirable career to middle and high school students. Students will be able to design race car models and then race them. About 20 TSA chapter teams are expected to demonstrate their Formula One race car models at the June TSA conference.

The real Formula One Grand Prix features fast cars that engender excitement and spark the imagination. F1 cars require complex engineering that is performed by a diverse design team. In England, the Jaguar F1 Team In Schools competition has attracted more than 6,500 students, of whom 35% were girls.

"The Jaguar F1 Team in Schools challenge was initiated in the United Kingdom to raise the awareness of engineering among students in response to the severe shortage of individuals choosing to go into the field," said Paul Koontz, president of Denford. "This is a common problem in many countries around the world. The successes of the Jaguar F1 Challenge continue to grow internationally, and it is the responsibility of companies such as ours to expose boys and girls to the exciting and rewarding careers in engineering as they prepare for the future."

Designing and racing model Formula One cars encourages both boys and girls alike to use CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) software and manufacturing techniques in an innovative way. Participating TSA members become part of an F1 team that designs, constructs and races their F1 model race car using the software while fulfilling specific guidelines.

From design through to manufacture, assembly, testing and racing, the Jaguar F1 Team In Schools competition requires that the students create a 3D virtual prototype of their race car design using CAD software. They design car bodies, wheels and axles, assemble them and produce drawings and 3D Formula One renderings. Identical engines--compact carbon dioxide (CO2) power plants--will power the model race cars.

At the upcoming national conference, the Technology Student Association teams will test and exhibit them while presenting a portfolio and oral presentation of their work from start to finish. Judging criteria are: safety, aerodynamics, engineering, aesthetics, quality and manufacture, race times and team presentation. Judges will perform the final test -and race - each team's final design in a wind/smoke tunnel.

For information about TSA's 25th National Conference in Orlando, Florida, visit the website at www.tsaweb.org and click on the conferences tab or call 703/860-9000. For information about the Jaguar F1 Team In Schools, visit www.f1inschools.us.