Binghamton University, renowned for its interdisciplinary education and vibrant research programs, sought championship-level renovations for its baseball stadium. To ensure top-notch quality and ease of maintenance, Sloan products were chosen for the stadium's restrooms.
The 20 products highlighted here have earned the distinction of being PM Engineer’s Top Products of 2023 based on the number of pageviews on Congratulations to those products on this year’s list.
AJ Rose Manufacturing is a 100-year-old company in Cleveland that suffered a fire in March 2023, causing damage to a cooling tower. Pro Service Plumbing was brought in to install a new cooling tower and used 1-1/2" Viega ProPress Manual Balancing Valves for the cooling supply.
Water scarcity is a growing issue globally. Some regions are adopting water reuse and rainwater capture solutions. Onsite water reuse can help save money, reduce water demands, and manage stormwater flows. With onsite water reuse, you can reuse up to 95% of a building's wastewater.
There is no shortage of industry patrons who’ve been impacted by Dan Holohan — manufacturers, reps, plumbers, and fellow writers alike. His love for teaching, writing, giving back and just undeniable kindness have left a mark.
PM Engineer Chief Editor Nicole Krawcke sits down with Lance MacNevin, director of engineering, building and construction division of the Plastics Pipe Institute, to discuss top trends influencing the use of plastic pipes in commercial applications.
>By combining water heating with space heating through heat pumps, a synergy is achieved that maximizes efficiency. This dual functionality is particularly relevant given the constant demand for hot water in residential, commercial and industrial settings.