ASHRAE announced a call for papers for the 7th International Conference on Energy Research and Development set for Nov. 19-21, 2019 in Kuwait.
The conference is organized by ASHRAE and Kuwait University and its theme is “Advances in Energy Research and Development.” It will focus on emerging energy conversion technologies, conservation and management strategies.
“Emerging energy technologies will play a critical role toward advancing sustainability in the built environment on a global scale,” Conference Chair Walid Chakroun said. “This conference offers the international energy research and development community insights to optimize the utilization of basic energy resources in the major energy consuming sectors, while helping decision makers shape energy policies for the region.”
The conference steering committee seeks papers focused on the development of high impact technologies and processes that are lifecycle cost effective, and reduce energy use and environmental consequences. Papers should demonstrate how their topics, on the thermal and moisture performance of the exterior envelope of whole buildings, will lead to high performance buildings, demonstrate technologies ready for implementation and show the promise of short to mid-term adoption.
Suggested paper topics include:
▪ Energy Conversion and Management;
▪ Energy Conservation;
▪ Fuels and Alternatives;
▪ Energy Policy and Planning;
▪ Combined and Co-generation Energy Systems;
▪ Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Systems;
▪ Energy & Environmental Issues;
▪ Energy and Sustainable Development;
▪ Renewable Energy Technologies; and
▪ Energy Storage
Abstract submissions are due Dec. 24, 2018. If accepted, papers will be due Jan. 21, 2019. For more information or to submit an abstract, visit