On March 2, ASHRAE received a final determination from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Building Energy Codes Program saying that ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016 would achieve greater energy efficiency in commercial buildings subject to code.
This determination was given because of DOE analysis indicating building meetings 90.1-2016 (compared to the previous 2013 edition) would result in national energy cost savings of about 8.2%, as regulated by the model code. The DOE also estimates 90.1 would provide 7.9% source energy savings and 6.8% site energy savings.
“Standard 90.1 has been a trusted source of guidance on energy efficiency requirements to built-environment professionals for more than 40 years,” ASHRAE President Dr. Bjarne W. Olesen said. “The DOE’s final determination serves to reinforce the standing of 90.1 as the U.S. commercial building energy efficiency standard.”