Thomas Memino inbody
Boston Mayor Thomas Memino.
Photo courtesy of City of Boston

Boston Mayor Thomas Memino recently filed the Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance with the Boston City Council. As a component of the city’s climate action plan to meet the mayor’s greenhouse gas reduction goals, the ordinance would require all large- and medium-sized buildings to report their annual energy and water use to the city. The proposed ordinance is intended to encourage building owners to participate in local utility energy-efficiency programs and educate tenants on building performance.

The proposed ordinance, which still needs city council approval, would require all large- and medium-sized buildings to report annual energy use, water use and greenhouse gas emissions tracked through Energy Star Portfolio Manager to the city’s environment department. The city would then make energy and water use per square foot, Energy Star ratings, greenhouse gas emissions, and other identifying and contextual information for individual buildings available online.

Boston would annually disclose its energy and water use in all its facilities starting with 2012 building data. In following years, the proposed ordinance would apply to nonresidential buildings greater than 25,000 sq. ft. and residential buildings of 25 units or more. 

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