International Code Council and the American Society of Plumbing Engineers both are developing a standard on rainwater catchment systems that each hopes will be designated a national standard by the American National Standards Institute.

ICC and ASPE both are developing a standard on rainwater catchment systems that each hopes will be designated a national standard by the American National Standards Institute. Photo credit: Chin

The International Code Council and the American Society of Plumbing Engineers both are developing a standard on rainwater catchment systems that each hopes will be designated a national standard by the American National Standards Institute. Both initiatives include January deadlines for either committee applications or public comment.

ICC has announced a call for Standards Development Committee members to continue its development of an ANSI standard dedicated to rainwater collection and conveyance systems. The project title ICC 805, Standard for Rainwater Collection System Design and Installation, began in April 2011 when ICC filed a PINS (Project Initiation Notification System) with ANSI.

The International Green Construction Code was completed and made available for adoption in March 2012. It includes a section on water efficiency and conservation. In the 2012 code development cycle, ICC members and industry stakeholders worked to develop non-potable water provisions covering sources such as rainwater, graywater and reclaimed water provisions to support a comprehensive strategy. These provisions have been added to the 2015 edition of the International Plumbing Code, due out soon.

Building on these efforts, ICC said it is continuing to move forward with resources that will facilitate expanded application of rainwater harvesting systems and ensure the preservation of health and safety while saving water. ICC Standard 805 will apply to the design, installation and maintenance of rainwater collection systems intended to collect, store, treat, distribute, and utilize rainwater for potable and non-potable applications.

Meanwhile, ASPE is developing what it hopes will be a new national standard to provide design and installation requirements for rainwater catchment systems. The standard is being jointly developed with the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association, with sponsorship support from the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials.

ARSCA/ASPE 63 is designed to assist engineers, designers, plumbers, builders/developers, local government, and end users in safely implementing a rainwater catchment system using precipitation from a rooftop and other hard, impervious surfaces. It applies to new installations as well as alterations, additions, maintenance and repairs to existing rainwater catchment installations. It does not apply to the collection of rainwater from vehicular parking or other similar surfaces.

ARCSA/ASPE 63 is intended to provide guidance in: how to design, install, and maintain a healthy alternative to municipal water and to optimize rainwater utilization, while preventing risk to consumers from poor design, installation, and maintenance or illegal work; reducing risk to the public from injury or loss of amenity due to a failure of the supply, installation, maintenance, or operation of the rainwater catchment system; and ensuring that the rainwater catchment system will assist in maintaining and enhancing the quality of the environment while helping to ensure compliance with the intent of relevant regulations and local government officials.
