The History Channel, known for shows like “Modern Marvels,” will be airing an episode of “SLICED” centered specifically on plumbing. This new series examines how everyday items work through a fun and interesting way of slicing into them to reveal the answers. This week’s episode is about bathrooms and plumbing, and will air on Thursday, May 13, at 10/9c.

Host,John McCalmont, uses a variety of tools to show the mysterious and fascinating world of bathrooms and how they work behind the scenes. He’ll literally slice into toilets to show the difference between pressurized vs. gravity, slice into a shower wall to show why a shower doesn't scald you anymore, and he even goes so far to dispel an old myth about why the water flows counter clockwise in a toilet.

Joe Wood, from Boston Standard Plumbing, worked as the show's plumbing consultant.

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