The American Society of Sanitary Engineering has announced that International President Richard J. Prospal has been elected to the World Plumbing Council’s Executive Board for the term ending September 2011. The WPC has over 100 member organizations from more than 24 countries promoting their mission to “Unite the world plumbing industry to safeguard and protect the environment and the health of nations for the benefit of all.”

Prospal said, “Since it’s inception in 1906, ASSE has been involved in educating the industry and the public in the United States and Canada on the importance and necessity of good and safe plumbing practices. We, now, can take that same message to the world.” Prospal, of Prospal Consulting Services in Cleveland, OH, was elected International President of the American Society of Sanitary Engineering at the Society’s Annual Meeting last November. Prospal has been very active in ASSE for the past 25 plus years. He has served as the Product Standards Committee Chair for 15 years, Scholarship Committee Chair for the last 6 years and a member of the Board of Directors for the last six years.
