The 2007 Show, running January 29-31, has already exceeded the amount of exhibit space occupied at the last Dallas Show held in 2000. The 2000 show, also held at the Dallas Convention Center, had a net square footage of 315,021, attracted more than 45,000 HVAC/R professionals (including over 25,000 attendees) and more than 1,000 exhibiting companies.
Texas continues to be one of the largest residential and commercial HVAC/R markets in the United States. Currently, Texas is experiencing a residential housing boom due to consumers' buying trends and low long-term interest rates, according to the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University. With the nation's third largest concentration of companies that command more than $1 billion in annual sales, Dallas is an especially attractive market for the HVAC/R industry.
According to a recent study by The Freedonia Group, the demand for HVAC equipment is expected to grow to $14.3 billion by 2009. This growth will be driven by the increase in non-residential construction and residential remodeling.
"The Show is off to a strong and impressive start,"