Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) and CSA International (CSA) announced the further expansion of a 1996 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) allowing the free exchange and acceptance of data between the two product testing organizations.
UL and CSA also implemented the second phase of a three-phase, 18-month pilot agreement allowing the mutual acceptance of certain components used in low voltage distribution equipment and industrial control equipment. As part of the second round of negotiations, both parties agreed that a total of at least four follow-up inspections of manufacturers' facilities are necessary for acceptance of components under this agreement.
Based upon a request from NEMA, UL and CSA have expanded the scope of the MOU to include transfer-type switches.
Phase two of the agreement on acceptance of components now includes the end products and components from phase one, which have been certified in accordance with Canadian requirements. Phase one previously included component and end products certified in accordance with U.S. requirements. Phase two also includes the addition of transfer switches and power conversion equipment certified in accordance with Canadian and/or U.S. requirements. The expansion of the agreement now allows the use of these components in products being evaluated for both the Canadian and U.S. marketplaces.
A complete listing of components and end products covered by the expanded MOU and the component acceptance agreement is available through UL at www.ul.com/components, and CSA at www.csainternational.org/components.