The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department has released the results of testing for ammonia odor at selected state parks as part of its assessment of waterfree urinals. The report concludes "there is barely detectable or no detectable ammonia in the non-water using urinals. Detectable levels were well below the average person's threshold for detecting ammonia." The Oregon State Parks worked in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Energy under the auspices of the DOE's Rebuild America program. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory was contracted to develop the testing protocol and complete the tests.

Testing took place at six parks where non-water urinals had been installed. Sampler pumps and tubes a common ammonia detection tool, were used for ammonia detection. Seven samples were drawn from each of the restrooms. Readings were taken at various heights from floor level to those equivalent to an adult standing.

A complete copy of the testing report has been approved for use by Falcon Waterfree Technologies and can be viewed and downloaded from the website at