A total of 12 market research studies performed by the Market Research Dept. of Business News Publishing Co. are now available for purchase at www.pmengineer.com. The studies detail industry purchasing trends and other information. Topics covered include:

- Wholesale Distribution Market Trends

- Specifying Market Trends

- National Profile of Contractor Purchasing Trends

- Engineering Internet Usage

- Plumbing Specifier Professional Profile

- Plumbing Contractor Software

- Gas Piping

- Hydronic Controls

- Wholesaler Patronage Among Contractors

- Fire Sprinkler Study

- Water Conservation

- Commercial Water Heaters

The Web site offers a full description of the content of each study along with price information. Also available for purchase on the same Web site are Buying and Specifying Guides, the Radiant Heating Report and John Siegenthaler's "Hydronics Toolbox."