The National Symposium on Streamlining the Nation's Building Regulatory Process will offer attendees hands-on instruction.

The National Symposium on Streamlining the Nation's Building Regulatory Process, set for Nov. 5, 1998, will offer attendees hands-on instruction regarding the adoption and implementation of model streamlined processes. The Streamlining project, initiated by the National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards (NCSBCS), is a cooperative effort among 55 public and private sector organizations and federal agencies that work to develop and gain adoption of model programs that reduce regulatory overlap. Speakers will include representatives from agencies and organizations that submitted case studies to the Streamlining project.

The symposium runs in conjunction with NCSBCS' 31st Annual Conference, Nov. 4 through Nov. 7 in Dana Point, Calif. The conference will include presentations under the theme, "Innovations in the Construction Industry and Building Regulatory Process." The five NCSBCS standing committees will meet on November 6. Copies of the technical papers presented will be available from

NCSBCS for $50 following the conference.

For more information, call Jill Moreschi at 703-481-2020, or visit the Web site at