The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officers redesigned its learning center website in order to create a better user experience for students, including via a smartphone.

The website is now a one-stop shop where individuals can register for live classes, take online courses and attend webinars. Users will be able to track their training history with IAPMO and add training from other providers so they have around-the-clock access to training records. Certificates earned may be accessed, downloaded and printed at any time.

In other IAPMO news, the group is accepting applications and seeking technical experts to participate in task groups relating to geothermal piping and photovoltaic systems.

The scope of the Geothermal Piping Task Group is to review items 97, 98, 99 and 100 from the 2016 Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code Report on Proposals regarding testing of u-bends and headers in geothermal systems, Section 703.4.2

Anyone interested in participating can submit an application at