The American Society of Plumbing Engineers and the Water Quality Association stated the standard — now known as WSQ/ASPE/ANSI S-802 (2014): Sustainable Activated Carbon Media for Drinking Water Treatment — has officially been recognized for American National Standards Institute as an American National Standard.

The new business-to-business standard focuses on raw activated carbon used in drinking-water filter systems. It evaluates the sustainability of activated carbon media products based on three main attributes (feedstock sourcing, activated carbon media production and end-of-life management). It also has four bonus attributes (reactivated carbon, certification under other eco-labeling programs, lifecycle assessment and innovation).

Products certified as meeting the requirements of the standard can bear the WQA Sustainability mark in recognition of passing the assessment.

This new standard is a companion to the WSQ/ASPE/ANSI S-803 (2014): Sustainable Drinking Water Treatment Systems. Manufacturers interested in certifying drinking-water treatment unit systems to S-803 are awarded credit for sourcing activated carbon certified to S-802. Certification to this standard helps a company create market preferability with customers interested in installing more environmentally friendly DWTU systems.