Water district hands out thousands of high-efficiency Niagara Conservation toilets.

One California water district is putting its money where its mouth is when it comes to water conservation.

The Lake Elsinore-based Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District has launched a free water conservation program where residents can receive an incentive for up to two Niagara Conservation Stealth HETs per home. Along with the toilets, they also receive two Tri-Max showerheads and two low-flow faucet aerators. The total fixture package saves the average customer 10,950 gallons of water per year.

Two days after the launch of the program, 300 people had signed up and by the end of the following Monday, nearly 1,600 people had signed up for 2,700 of the 3,000 available toilets. An update on the EVMD Web site stated all the toilets had been allocated (check out the EVMD Web site here).

The program is the brainchild ofSig Schmalhofer(Signature Sales), who had contacted the EVMWD and proposed a test of the Stealth 0.8-gpf HET as a solution to helping the district and the residents served by EVMWD to save money and energy.

The toilets were supplied by the wholesaler and installed by ECO Green Services. Niagara Conservation Director of Wholesale ServicesPaul Kwiatsaid the company expects another 3,000 units will be installed later in the summer. The EVMWD Web site also expressed a similar sentiment about extending the program in the future.

For more on the program via a story on PublicCEO.com, read here.
